Monday, 20 July 2020

Covid-19 Salon Guidance and New Measures in Place

After 3.5 months of being closed, we finally reopened our doors on the 22nd July 2020 with all the new government guidelines and covid-secure measures in place!
We’ve spent time rearranging the salon and putting procedures in place to provide a space which is as safe as possible for you to enjoy that much-needed ‘me time’ and some well-deserved relaxation. 
Our changes include; 
  • allowing a maximum of only 2 clients & 2 therapists in the salon at any given time, with staggered appointment times to allow for social distancing. 
  • staff wearing full PPE including visor & face mask at all times, with the addition of fresh disposable gloves for all face treatments.
  • staff clean all work stations, therapy rooms, door handles and clients possession box after each client leaves the premises.
  • higher level of hand washing for staff (both after & before each client)
  • 15-30 minutes booked out in-between each client for staff to clean and air the rooms.
  •  cashless and contactless booking system.
  • plastic screening on both nail desks for an extra barrier of protection
  • plastic sheeting for nail desks and waxing treatments which are sprayed and disinfected after each client.
  • all cotton towels are washed on the required 60 degrees temperature wash, and dried on high heat. All eco friendly biodegradable towels are safely disposed of after one use.
  • clients to wear a face mask at all times, only to be removed when faced down on the massage bed or for facial treatments, where needed.
  • all clients are asked to use the hand washing or hand sanitising facilities and have their temperature checked on arrival by a member of staff.
  • online covid screening forms are sent to all customers prior to their appointment, and anyone with symptoms or who have been in contact with symptoms asked to rearrange their appointment after isolation.
  • As the government guidelines change, we will continue to align with them accordingly.
Please be aware that you will need to bring your own mask to your appointment and our toilet facilities will be closed for the time being (except for emergencies). It is recommended you use your own toilet facilities prior to your appointment.
All therapists on the premises have undertaken covid-secure training and taken part in covid risk assessments for all salon treatments. Staff are committed to going over and beyond to ensure the salon is as safe & hygienic as possible for you, and are on hand should you have any questions or concerns.
If you have any concerns or queries or would like to know in more detail what measures we have put in place for a specific treatment, please don't hesitate to call or email us so we can advise how we will tailor your treatment specifically inline with covid-secure measures.
Please ensure you review the below guidance prior to your visit.
Thank you and see you soon!
Roman Beauty Team
 Tel: 07919346107 

1. Your Appointment & Payment:
* Please book your appointment online here
* No cash payments. You will be prompted to enter your card details on our private & secure booking system prior to your appointment so we can ensure a smooth cashless checkout at the end of your appointment.

2. Appointment Requirements:
* Please bring your own facemask
* Please arrive on time and alone
* If you arrive early, please wait in your car so we can finish cleaning
* Wash / Sanitise hands on arrival
* Bring your own bottle of water (we recommend you stay hydrated at your appointment especially if having a massage)
* Only bring minimal items to your appointment in a bag (no watches)
* No toilet facilities (emergency only)
* Please do not use your phone whilst in salon, and after hand sanitising.
* Please fill out your Covid-19 Screening Form which is sent to you at time of booking or can be filled out here
*If you are a new client booking your first appointment, you will also need to fill out your client consultation form here
* Please cancel your appointment if you develop a cough, high temperature, fever, breathlessness, sore throat, loss of smell or taste of food, or have been in contact with anyone showing Covid-19 symptoms within the last 14 days.

3. Hand Sanitiser Stations and Washing Facilities
You are requested to either hand wash or sanitise on arrival . Hand sanitisers are located at the entrance and outside the therapy rooms, with a full 20 second guideline sheet for you to follow. We have also added complimentary hand cream for you to use, if you wish.
3. Physical Distancing
Please follow government guidelines and keep a safe distance from others. Recommended 2 metre where possible or 1 metre with PPE. As our therapists offer close up treatments less than 1 metre we are required to wear visors for all appointments where a clear screen is not in place.
4. Venue Cleaning & Hygiene
Our staff will be regularly cleaning and sanitising all surfaces inbetween each and every client. They will then wash their hands prior to starting your appointment and after each appointment. All towels are freshly layed out for each client and washed at the recommended temperature of 60 degrees. for some treatments 100% biodegradable one-use towels are provided. Massage and Facial products are decanted prior to your arrival, and any waxing items such as strips and sticks are disposed of at the end of your treatment. For intimate waxing, we always wear gloves and have a ‘no double dipping’ policy to maintain high hygiene standards.
5. Treatment Room & Reception Area.
All non-wipeable equipment / chairs have been removed from the salon, and wipeable plastic boxes are now offered for you to place any items or clothing. There is no longer a waiting area to reduce congestion. All magazines have been removed from the salon, and our product display will be ‘view but don’t touch’ only. Please speak with a member of staff if you would like your own product brochure or to try any product samples.
6. Appointment Cancellations
We have a strict cancellation policy in place which requires you to give a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment to avoid late cancellation fees. This Policy is still in place with the exception of developing Covid-19 symptoms or any other contagious symptoms within the 24 hours prior to your appointment. We politely ask that you do not abuse our cancellation policy as I’m sure you understand a small business cannot run on empty appointments.

7. Track & Trace
Our online booking system requires you to enter your name & contact details. We are required to hold these details both for your appointment itself, and to be able to share them with the NHS track and trace teams if requested. We also display the NHS code for you to use if you wish to do so.
These measures are subject to change in line with Government guidance. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please speak to a member of the team while at the venue.